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Size Chart - Dance Shoes 8

The size chart below refers to the measurement of the dance shoe from heel to toe with a slight pull.

Size Measurement
9 5 3/4"
10 6 1/4"
10.5 6 3/8"
11 6 3/4"
11.5 6 7/8"
12 7"
12.5 7 1/8"
13 7 3/8"
13.5 7 1/2"
1 7 3/4"
1.5 7 7/8"
2 8 1/4"
2.5 8 3/8"
3 8 1/2"
3.5 8 5/8"
4 8 3/4"
4.5 8 7/8"
5 9 1/4"
5.5 9 3/8"
6 9 1/2"
6.5 9 5/8"
7 9 3/4"
7.5 10 1/8"
8 10 1/4"